©Kirton News 2025

December / January 2013

The Editors Letter

We’ve had a good year at Kirton News. Lots of interest, lots of [often] controversial stuff and lots of replies and comments.

I’m not going to mess around with too much raving as space is limited but, I think we should begin by including a letter from a Parish Council member who comments on the two major issues raised in last month’s mag, namely the long term ‘problem’ of Willington road and the on-going leaving of litter, refuse, etc. around the streets.

I make no apologies for the amount of space taken up by the diatribes. Here goes:

Dear Editor, Unfortunately I have opened up the Parish Magazine to yet again find that every body’s favourite whipping boy, Kirton Parish Council, is the hot topic. Month after month I read about the short comings of the council.

As you are aware the council is made up of volunteers who have nothing but the very best interests of the village in mind. Apart from the day to day issues that are dealt with on a monthly basis for the running of the village, the Parish Council put a lot of additional time and effort into other projects in the hope that Kirton continues to be a place that we are all proud to live. For example: The Senior Citizens Xmas dinner, the Xmas Fayre, the creation of the new Dame Sarah Swift Park, the additional litter picking and tidying of the village, the flower planting and Kirton in Bloom. The list goes on, but this is all done with not too much of a mention. If a Councillor does happen to get their picture in the local papers it is because this is to highlight something that has happened or will be happening in the Village.

I take on board what Mr Norwell has to say regarding the issues on Willington Road, but believe me, this has been a hot topic for the council since day one. Everything that the Parish Council could do to highlight this problem in the village had been done, at every level, and on more than one occasion, in some instances.

On a lighter note I am pleased to see that one of our newer residents has been compelled enough to highlight the problems with the litter in the new playing field/park. As the Chairman of the playing field committee I can assure you that we have tried to address the issues of litter in the park by installing a litter bin with an additional bin already on order, a twice weekly litter pick by our village litter warden (Mrs Westwood) and collections by the Borough Council. Without 24hr monitoring I am afraid this is reality of some peoples lack of respect for something that has been provided for them.

Finally, all too often I look at the empty chairs for the public forum at our monthly meetings. This is your opportunity to come along and have you say, express your concerns or just sit in and listen to what goes on. Remember, this is “OUR” village, not just Kirton Parish Councils.

Yours sincerely
Marcus Hannay, Kirton Parish Councillor

We welcome Mr. Hannay’s comments both personally and as a member of our Parish Council. I’ll try to get some sort of diary sorted out for next year so we all know when the Council meetings take place. Perhaps several would like to take up the “invitation’”?

Secondly the subject which the above Councillor seems to think is of a “lighter note”.

Mr Editor, Regarding the letter from Anna Matusiak highlighting the litter problem in Kirton village, I agree with what the lady says about our litter problem, Myself and my wife walk past that area three or four times a week, and agree the rubbish left lying around in this area and other places in our village is a disgrace.

What I do not agree with Mr Editor is the condescending attitude you portray to this particular letter writer, Most residents of Kirton know too well about the current and ongoing litter problem , Surely you know Kirton Council employ a very competent litter picker lady Barbara Westwood, She does a excellent job thoughout the year, you can see her doing her job in all weathers, we have seen the aforementioned lady picking up litter in the Church Lane playing fields on many occasions, and placing the picked up litter in black litter bags aside the entrance gate ready to be collected, only to find the next day some low-life as kicked the litter bags aroundh the entrance gateway spilling the litter back out onto the playing field, So Mr Editor it does not take someone from the other side of the Continent to point out what is under our noses , On behalf of the residents of Kirton I would like to apologise to the Continental lady for the state of the playing field on this particular occasion, and in return ask the said lady if she would have a word with some of her fellow Continentals who abide in our village and Boston to restrain from urinating in shop doorways and getting legless with alcohol down West Street and surrounding areas of Boston, It is the minority of all races that spoil it for the majority of citizens.

Regards, Ken Snowden

I did reply in my own defence (not wishing to seem at all patronising but entirely objective) asking if Mr. Snowden and his wife themselves ever picked up the offending items and deposited them in the appropriate receptacles. He didn’t make comment either way.

We have, before, sung the praises of Mrs. Westwood and continue to be proud of and gladdened by her efforts. She replies, directly, to Ms. Metusiak:-

In response to Anna Matusiak’s letter in the November magazine, I am Village Caretaker. I am employed by Kirton Parish Council and have, just recently, been asked to do two half hour sessions at the Park (per week) down Church Lane. Having said this I do also cover a large area of Kirton [litter picking] and, though I say it myself, I think I do a damn good job; I cannot be in one area 24/7.

P.S.; I assume as a good citizen of our country, after taking your photographs you picked up the aforementioned litter(?).

Barbara Westwood.

Supporting our Warden:-

I would like to say a big thank you through the Kirton News magazine to Barbara Westwood, village caretaker.  She works tirelessly in all weathers doing the very difficult job of picking up litter so thoughtlessly and carelessly dropped in our village.  Well done Barbara and please carry on the good work.

Anne Mouncer.

And, finally, in support of Mr. Norwell:

Hi  Sam, I agree with everything in the Norwells'  letter. I live at 33A Willington Road, and the speed of lorries and cars makes the road very dangerous when approaching from the Boston road end because of parked cars blocking the view when pulling out from these parked cars, it certainly dosen’t create traffic calming!!!

Regards, Joan Martin.

Good stuff. Another issue that we highlighted twelve months ago has also raised its head again. Traffic movements during the Remembrance Service.

Any of you present at the Church service after respects were paid at the War Memorial will have heard Father Gary make comment on the irony of the enforced halting of traffic movement. I would urge you all to read this month’s Police Report.

Plans are afoot to raise a petition to get the centre of the Village closed to traffic for the duration of next year’s (and subsequent) dedications.

More to follow in 2013. Meanwhile, Compliments of the Season and a Happy and Peaceful New Year to you all from the staff here at Kirton News. See you in 2013!


On Yer Bike in 2013

Summer seems so far away but the excitement is already building for a hardy bunch of cyclists from this country, and abroad.

Kirton will be getting involved with an International event most of you have never heard of - but exciting times are ahead.

Many residents of Kirton will, no doubt remember the 28th June 2012 when the Olympic torch passed through the village; but hundreds of people, all over the world, are already planning another event that will come to Kirton in the summer of 2013.

This event, organised by Audax UK, takes place every four years and involves over 700 cyclists, from over thirty countries, riding the 1400 kilometres from London to Edinburgh and back within five days. The riders will climb about 11,000 metrEs and check in at thirteen points along the route. Middlecott School has been chosen, and has willingly accepted, to be one of the checkpoints for the 2013 event and volunteers are already planning food, showers, sleeping and other support that the riders will require.

As you can imagine there is lots to do. The check point will be open from Sunday 28th July to 2nd of August 2013 and as all riders are different we will provide breakfasts, dinners and snacks; shower and sleeping facilities; advise where cycle components can be purchased and medical care, should this be required. This will obviously bring enormous benefits to businesses and local groups in Kirton as we intend to make all our purchases locally where possible.

In previous years local groups have helped us to decorate the reception, made welcome signs in different languages, supplied baked goods and helped to signpost the riders to the check point but no doubt people in Kirton will have other ideas to make this check point a pleasant memory for the riders.

Over the following months myself, Gerry Boswell (York cyclist) and my colleagues, from various parts of the UK, will be contacting businesses and organisations, in Kirton, to ensure the smooth running of this event. I hope that you will all be able to support us and really put Kirton on the map as a village with future.

If you wish to see the route in more detail, or learn more about the event please go to the website: www.londonedinburghlondon.com/route. If you wish to help, in any way, please contact me, Gerry Boswell at; kirton.lel2013@gmail.com or 01904 795695.

Gerry Boswell


Family Film Club at Kirton Methodist Church

The Family film club next month is showing Men in Black 3 (PG) on Saturday 15th December.

On Saturday 19th January the club will be showing Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (U).
Doors open at 1.30pm and the film starts at 2.00pm.

Admission is free and the tuck shop will be open serving cold drinks, crisps, chocolate, sweets and popcorn.




The Kirton Church Fund

The November draw takes place on Sunday 25th November and the December draw takes place on Sunday 23rd December and the winning numbers for both these draws will be printed in the February magazine.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church Fund to help save the church roof.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. Currently we have only 33 members taking part so there is plenty of room for more members ( and a very good chance of winning).

We still need to raise a lot of money for the roof and it would be a terrible shame if we don’t manage to raise the money and the church has to close.
Please help save your church!

You could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part.

Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage.

For more information please ring 01205 722380 or 01205 723529.


Kirton Kids Club

What a lovely month for the children! Outside play was like a children’s natural wonderland of bright shiny conkers and dry crunchy leaves to collect, jump in, throw and enjoy. This is what children should be doing – being children.

It is a total joy as staff to be able to be part of the children’s ‘play’ time. I think we forget sometimes generally that the modern world is so fast and busy that kids today do need time to chill, be with their friends, enjoy their own space and enjoy being children.

Kirton Kids Club is here for you as parents and carers to send your children knowing they will be well looked after, happy and safe.

Over the last fourteen years we have had hundreds of children through our doors and some of those children have now got children of their own! We have even had some of the next generation in our care too.

The Kids club is here to help parents and carers extend their working day outside the school hours.

Breakfast club starts at 7.30am and after school finishes at 5.45pm – giving you peace of mind and no necessity to rush around worrying if you will be there on time to pick your children up or drop them off at each side of school.

The Club has numerous toys and equipment, the children get to choose what they want and spend their time happy and content doing exactly the things they like to do.

Kirton Kids Club is an extension of their family in many ways – the staff ‘care’ for your children, keeping them safe and happy.

If you would like to take a look around the club please pop in – we offer new parents /carers a free ‘taster’ session for their children to let them see just how good the club is!

We have spaces now and the run up to Christmas is the ideal time to book children in if you are doing extra hours at work of going for a new job or simply need some time at either or both ends of the school day.

Club fees are kept low to enable more parents access to the facility.

Breakfast club is £3.20 per child per session and after school is £5.30 per child per session. There is a 10% discount for related siblings booked in at the same session.

If you would like a FREE taster session for your child or a look around please call on 07583 762072 or email kkc09@live.co.uk. We will be happy to help.

For more information please go to www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or follow the link via the school website.


Sutterton Surgery Society 200 Club

After the first year the 200 Club has had much pleasure in being able to pay for two new Treatment Couches and a new Drugs Cabinet, this would not have been possible but for all our members past and present so we would like to say a very big thank you on behalf of the Sutterton Surgery.

May we please remind all members that subscriptions are due before the end of the first week of the current months draw. Subscriptions may be taken into the surgery reception where staff will be pleased to help. If there are difficulties for members getting to the surgery please inform staff and your subscriptions can be collected from your home.

New members are always welcome to join our 200 Club. Names can be added to the waiting list in the Surgery Reception. A big thank you to all our members for your support.

The 200 Club would like to wish Members, Patients and Staff at Sutterton Surgery a very Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year.

October 2012 Winners

1st PRIZE - £100 - TICKET NUMBER: 27
2nd PRIZE - £60 - TICKET NUMBER: 176
3rd PRIZE - £40 - TICKET NUMBER: 32


Letters to the Editor:
How Low Can We Go?

As someone who went carol singing in this area when most current residents weren’t even born, I remember what it was like to receive and be rejected at the door.

Although we never had ‘trick or treat’ in those days, that experience is perhaps one reason why my wife and I have always been generous towards children as they call around this time of year.

This year however, Halloween fell during half-term and we took our grandchildren away on holiday for a week. We were therefore extremely disappointed when we returned late on Friday night (2nd) to find our door handle had been daubed with tomato sauce! What a pathetic reaction when where there was clearly no-one at home! Who allows their children to go out armed with tomato sauce?

We will be much more selective in future for we will not let the little ones down (nor their parents who go to the trouble to prepare and accompany them).



Thanks to all those who took part in the “Name the Teddy Bear” draw.
Teddy, who was kindly donated by Kirton Mountain Rescue, has the name of Harold.
£100 was raised for Thistles Market Garden, a venue for people with learning disabilities.


What’s on at Kirton Library?

Story & Rhyme Time:
Tuesdays 10.30am – 11am
18th December & 15th January

Knit Chat:
For all knitters and new knitters
Tuesdays 2-3pm
11th December, 8th & 22nd January

Christmas Crafts after school:
Thursday 13th December at 4.00 - 6.00pm
Drop in to make Christmas crafts with Rosie

Need ideas for New Year’s resolutions:
Come and browse the non-fiction. We’ve Strictly Come Dancing workout DVD, books on creative crafts, gardening and DIY plus travel books packed with sunshine for you to pour through over these winter months.

Library Opening Hours: Tuesday 10am-5pm, Thursday 1pm-7pm
Saturday 10am-1pm
Tel 01522 782010
Email kirton.library@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Art Exhibition raises over £1,000 for Church Roof Fund!

Many thanks go out to you, the people of Kirton and its environs for braving the elements to attend the recent Art Exhibition.

Over 40 paintings, prints and craft items were sold raising a massive £1,180; all of which will go to the fund to support your church and repair the roof.
Thank you also, the many volunteers: the Artists; the Bakers; the Flower Arrangers; the Sign Posters; the Stewards and servers of tea and coffee, and many others - you know who you are.

Well done, you put on a great show! Last, but by no means least, thanks Gary and Paula.

Graham Timbrell

Local Policing

Once again, Kirton has enjoyed a continued decrease in Anti social Behaviour calls to our Command and Control Centre.

Kirtons Neighborhood Policing Team (NPT) has acted pro-actively to reduce ASB incidents, identify those responsible and continue to enforce where necessary with the assistance of Boston Borough Council’s “Community Safety Team”.

Kirton NPT would like to inform the readers that the Town Hall Building exists for the community but it is NOT a playground.

There has been an increase of criminal damage to the Town Hall over the past 2 months. This has been caused by groups of youths that congregate around the Town Hall in the evenings on weekdays, and all day at the weekends. These groups use the Town Hall steps and the Memorial situated in the car-park as BMX, Skateboard and Scooter ramps.

We ask parents that know their child is out in the town with these types of toys that if any damage can be linked to a suspect, we will act, with full support of the Parish Council, and where necessary, prosecute.

It has been reported that adults are buying alcohol and tobacco for underage youths within the village. We ask that if anyone sees this type of activity taking place please report it to us. We would require time, location, shop name, description of the adult and what type of contraband.

Sunday 11th November saw Kirton remembrance service take place. We have been approached not only on the day but several days following the event and asked “Why did we not close off the road?” The simple answer is, we have no authority to close the road unless it is for a Policing purpose. This would include, road traffic collision, crime scene etc. Only Lincs County Highways could have closed the road for this event, and they would also make a suitable detour. I am aware that members of the British Legion along with members of the Kirton community are to lobby the Highways department so a full closure can be implemented for next year (which we support).

We are looking for sites to place the “Smiley Sid” speeding sign in and around the village. Has anyone got any ideas? Please email jonathan.thornton@lincs.pnn.police.uk

Please can I remind you to remain vigilant and look out for any suspicious persons or vehicles in and around the village, especially during the hours of darkness.

If you see anything suspicious, please don’t hesitate to report it on any of the numbers below.

Many Thanks

PCSO Jon Thornton


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Reuben Elijah Douglass
Jorge Ellis Asher - at the Methodist Church

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Mr Gordon Richard Allison